# TTN Intro @ ti&m Hacknight
Slides: https://hackmd.io/@oleg/ttn-bern-020223
Projects: https://now.makezurich.ch/event/6
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/bern-hack-night/events/290846120/
Invite: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/community/Bern/post/hacknight-iot-ttn
## Courses / Videos
Udemy - LoRaWAN Fundamentals course
The Things Certified - Fundamentals course
The Things Security
## Books / Introductory Articles
Develop and Operate Your LoRaWAN IoT Nodes - Claus Kühnel
LoRaWAN-Knoten im IoT - Claus Kühnel
ESP32 Buch - Udo Brandes
(there are [lots of ESP32 books](https://www.orellfuessli.ch/suche?sq=ESP32) ...)
Getting started with ESP8266 and IOT-Dojo
## Software
For developing with the M5 Atom Lite we need two basic tools.
With the M5 Burner the device will be configured, so that it can be used found and used by the UI Flow IDE. With the following links you can directly download the tools for your operating system.
|Tool|MacOS|Win10 x64|Linux|Web-Version|
|M5 Burner|[Download](https://m5burner.m5stack.com/app/M5Burner-v3-beta-mac-x64.zip)|[Download](https://m5burner.m5stack.com/app/M5Burner-v3-beta-win-x64.zip)|[Download](https://m5burner.m5stack.com/app/M5Burner-v3-beta-linux-x64.zip)|
If you are interessted in some more information or an better overiew you can alos visit the [Download-Page](http://docs.m5stack.com/en/download) of M5Stack.
M5flow / Micropython
- https://github.com/m5stack/M5-LoRaWAN
- https://github.com/lemariva/uPyLoRaWAN
M5flow TTN example
- https://docs.m5stack.com/en/quick_start/lorawan/ttn
- https://www.hackster.io/kehosoftware/m5stack-com-lorawan-using-arduino-ide-38ab24
- https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/boards/espressif32/m5stack-atom.html
## Setup Atom Lite
1. Install M5 Burner
2. Choose "Atom" in the left navigation bar
3. Download UI Flow Lite Version 1.11.1
4. Connect the atom lite to your computer
5. Click on "Configure"
6. Choose serial port
7. Enter your Hotspot wifi information
8. Click on "Burn" with baud rate 1500000
9. Click on configure and copy "api-key"
10. Change to UI Flow and enter "api-key"
## Overview

(Image source: unknown, most likely [M5stack](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/guide/lora/lorawan/ttn))
## Projects
These challenges can also be found at https://now.makezurich.ch/event/6
### Plant Moisture Meter
Needed components:
* [Atom Lite ESP32](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/atom_lite)
* [Earth Mosture Unit](https://shop.m5stack.com/products/earth-sensor-unit)
* [NeoHex LED Board](https://shop.m5stack.com/products/neo-hex-37-rgb-led-board-ws2812)
* ([LoRaWAN Antenna](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/lorawan868))
<b>Basic challenge:</b> Log the level value in the Debugging-Console
<b>Intermediate challenge:</b> Display the level on the NeoHex LED Board
<b>Advanced challenge:</b> Send the level over LoRaWAN to The Things Network
### Panic-Button
Needed components:
* [Atom Lite ESP32](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/atom_lite)
* [Mechanical Key Button Unit](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/key)
* [Buzzer Unit](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/buzzer)
* [GPS Module](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/gps)
* ([LoRaWAN Antenna](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/lorawan868))
<b>Basic challenge:</b> Start the buzzer if the panic button is pressed.
<b>Intermediate challenge:</b> Calculate and log the GPS-Position
<b>Advanced challenge:</b> Send the GPS-Position over LoRaWAN to The Things Network.
### Clap Sensor
Needed components:
* [Atom Lite ESP32](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/atom_lite)
* [Microphone Unit](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/mic)
* [NeoHex LED Board](https://shop.m5stack.com/products/neo-hex-37-rgb-led-board-ws2812)
* ([LoRaWAN Antenna](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/lorawan868))
<b>Basic challenge:</b> Log the input in the debugging console
<b>Intermediate challenge:</b> Display decibel level on the Hex Board
<b>Advanced challenge:</b> Turn on/off LEDs on Hex Board by clapping and send state over LoRaWAN to The Things Network.
# Impressions
@loleg's [Thread and photos](https://fosstodon.org/@loleg/109797409805990498) on Mastodon
Photos by Oleg Lavrovsky `CC BY 4.0`

# Screenshots